Friday, January 20, 2023

Extra Charge

 Has anyone else noticed that as we move to a cashless society, we're starting to see more and more "convenience" fees added to our bills?  I was at a restaurant tonight and their "convenience" fee for paying electronically was 2.5%.  Compared to some of the ones I've seen, I guess that's reasonable.

Obviously, they're trying to recover the processing fee for the transaction.  At one time it cost more to process a credit card than a debit card, but I think there was a lawsuit that said that wasn't fair so now they're the same.  

Back when I was in grad school writing business plans, that was considered a cost of doing business and you built it into your pricing.  Now it seems like they're trying to double-dip and collect it twice.

What's next?  Climate control convenience fee - help us recover our heating and cooling costs? 

Oh, I forgot to mention the "suggested" tip rates.  They used to be 10%, 15%, and 20%.  Now that we're looking to pay fast-food workers $15/hr.  those rates have jumped to 18%, 20%, and 30%!  And they ask you to tip on the total amount with taxes!

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Post-Pandemic Air Travel

 I started traveling again for business.  To be honest, the airports are moving us along a little quicker than when we started flying after the incidents in September of 2001.

But this first weekend in September of 2022 was memorable, to say the least.  

Here's my timeline:  

On 9/8, at 5:29 AM, I checked in for my flight 2748 (5:29 AM)

I packed and went to bed early because I had an early flight, the airline started sending emails to my work email address.  Twice at 1:46, and again at 1:53 they sent me an email that my flight to DFW was delayed.  Obviously since I'd packed up my computer, I missed these emails and got up at 2:00 AM.  By 2:15 I was up, dressed, and ready to go.

At 2:22 I received a text from a co-worker that our flight was delayed.  Needless to say, I got my computer out and found out they'd rebooked me on a flight that would arrive after my connecting flight departed, so I had to call the airline.  Here's the way the rest of the day went:

  • 2:32 AM: rebooked flight from SEA to DFW flight 2511 (8:55 AM)
  • 2:38 AM: AA call 24 minutes 17 seconds
  • 2:49 AM: Airline schedule change (BCD)
  • 3:01 AM: SEA to PHX
  • 5:00 AM: Airline schedule change (BCD)
  • 5:12 AM: Airline schedule change (BCD)
  • 4:10 PM: DFW: Gate C29 Flight 2901 board 
  • 4:27 PM: DFW: Gate C30 Flight 2901 board
  • 4:55 PM: DFW: Gate C30 Flight 2901 on the plane 
  • 5:31 PM: DFW: Gate C30 Flight 2901 on the plane, waiting 
  • 5:43 PM: DFW: Gate C30 Flight 2901 on the plane, waiting for a part! 
  • 7:24 PM: Flight 2901 touched down in St. Louis 
  • 9:30 PM: Home 
One of the issues with airflight is they "oversell" the flights, then ask for volunteers to take a later flight.

Why is this allowed?  Is there any other business in the world that is allowed to sell the same seat more than once?  What if sports arenas did this?  If they did this for the World Series or the Super Bowl, I'm sure it wouldn't be long till we started seeing lawyer commercials!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Unconditional Love & the worst that could happen

Someone killed my dog today.  No guns were involved, but they used a weapon that killed 32,367 people in 2011 alone.  A car.  They hit a poor defenseless dog minding his own business.  No wait,  They didn't hit him, they ran over him.  Were they texting?  Were they drunk?  Were they speeding?  What distracted them?  No one can say because they were so inconsiderate they didn't even stop.  They took a life and didn't care.  A good Samaritan did stop and block traffic, while other considerate people went to get the vet and they brought out a stretcher for him.  They took him to the clinic, but it was too late.  The vet said it was instantaneous, and he didn't suffer.  But he's gone, and now my family is suffering.  My children are hurting.  How did he get out of the yard?  Well, the timestamp on the lawn service bill shows they were in my yard at 9:00, and no one else came or left between then and the time I got the call from the clinic, so we know how the gate was opened (I will deal with this issue later.)

In an article by Moira Anderson Allen, M.Ed., she states, "I believe that God uses pets to help humans learn about love. From pets, we learn mercy, compassion, patience, and understanding -- and we also learn what it means to receive unconditional love."  We also learn that life on this earth is short.  I know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  It's just hard to see my way though my tears...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Paper towels that just don't add up!

I went to the Wal-Mart Supercenter to buy some paper towels today. It seemed like half the aisle was filled with Bounty paper towels. Since they are the quicker picker upper, I thought I could pick some up quick. Wrong. I guess I could have just grabbed the Bounty Basic single roll, but since I was "shopping," I had to do some comparisons, right? Well, it looks like Viva paper towels are $1.65/roll, so the Bounty Basic looks like a better buy. But if I only buy one roll, then I'll end up buying more before I know it. How are Bounty papertowels packaged? Kind of like this:

BIG (xtrasoft) - 6 rolls = 8 rolls
BIG (select-a-size) 12 rolls = 18 rolls
SUPER (select-a-size) 6 rolls (must be equal to 6 rolls)
MEGA - 6 rolls = 10 rolls
SUPERMEGA - 6 rolls = 12 rolls
HUGE (guaranteed to fit) - 2 rolls = 5 rolls

Paper towel math is something I'd never encountered in 20 years of education, and since there is no commonality between the roll sizes, it's pretty much a shot in the dark. I ended up using square footage, and bought the 6 SUPER rolls (select-a-size) for $9.97.

Let's see how long it takes for the GINORMOUS roll to show up...

Friday, September 11, 2009

Microwave Blues

When my old microwave quit working, I was in a better financial position, so I went out and bought a super-deluxe model, the GE JES1288. It's been a great microwave, and I still haven't used it to its fullest capabilities. Unfortunately, the light bulb burnt out, and I couldn't figure out how to change it, so it's been dark for a couple of years. Today I called the GE Answer Center, and their answer was that I need a service call to replace the bulb. I called the service center, and to replace the bulb it will be $74.95 + parts & labor. Over $100 to replace a LIGHT BULB! My next call was to the consumer relations department. After getting the run-around from them (GE Cares - right...), I'm just thankful they don't make flush toilets!

Friday, August 28, 2009


Today I received a toll-free call from 866-635-8661. The caller identified herself as being with Citizens United. I told her I haven't worked for a year, and couldn't give her any money. She said that was ok, and just wanted me to listen to their message. After the message, and a little elevator music, I was asked if I could give $100-$200. I then asked them what part of "haven't worked in a year they didn't understand?" After the caller called me "ma'am" twice, I raised my voice, and forcefully asked to be removed. I also called back the 866-635-8661 number and removed myself. I then called the 800-837-5947 number, identified myself as calling for Unemployed Citizens, and asked for a million dollars. I don't think they'll call back.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Wave of the Future

What if Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, MySpace and eBay were all rolled into one Web 2.0 portal? Multiple venues under a single umbrella. One place to go, several choices once you get there and all for the same cost. Free. That's the next thing everyone will be talking about. What the heck is he talking about, you might ask? Me2Everyone. Check it out at: